Meet the DIGIT team: BSGAV

1. Tell us more about the very beginning of DIGIT – the proposal, setting up the team and your very first impressions. 

 As a vocational school for wholesale and foreign trade, we received an inquiry from the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Germany as to whether we were interested in participating in DIGIT as a German project partner. Until then, our school experience with ERASMUS projects was limited to VET mobilities with our trainees and teachers. The project idea convinced us very much, especially since we saw a chance to enhance our own digital skills in the same course. Even though we were not quite sure about what kind of tasks we would have to take on, I was able to inspire three colleagues from the foreign trade and marketing department to work on the project with me.

 2. How was this one-year project?

Due to the Corona pandemic, the exchange was initially limited to video conferences, which was linguistically challenging for us. The first transnational face-to-face meeting, on the other hand, was very helpful and led to greater task clarity. As participants changed frequently at the beginning of the project, communication and coordination were not easy. 

3. How do you think the DIGIT project can make a difference in providing relevant skills, knowledge, competencies, and tools to drive an inclusive digital transformation of the internationalization process of EU SMEs in the agri-food industry?

The project modules provide a good overview of the relevant digital skills that these companies might need to get started in an internationalization process today. They point out possible deficits and help to close these gaps.

4. What is the main result that DIGIT will deliver? 

DIGIT shows all relevant digital competencies for the internationalization process in a clear and condensed form. The user can easily diagnose and correct their digital skills.



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under project number 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000034657