The Team behind DIGIT

DIGIT is an Erasmus+ project that will provide with relevant skills, knowledge, competences, and tools to drive an inclusive digital transformation of the internationalization process. The project focuses on people who promote the internationalization of EU SMEs in the agri-food industry.

ITKAM - Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany is a bilateral non-profit association founded in Germany in 1911.

Our core business consists in promoting economic relations between Italy and Germany and supporting companies in the internationalisation process. For several years we have also been active in the field of European projects. Especially thanks to the Erasmus+ program and the cooperation with Italian and German institutions we promote the exchange of best practices in vocational training.

Covid-19 has radically changed the way we support internationalization. Our staff had to quickly acquire digital skills to support companies in the context of the pandemic. This is where the idea for DIGIT came from.
ITKAM, having a strong experience in the Erasmus+ program, is the project coordinator. In addition, we will be coordinating the development of the toolkit for the realization of hybrid and virtual internationalization events.

IES Clara del Rey is a modern College with updated means and facilities that allow students to receive quality education.

We provide on-site, distance and dual courses within the following professional areas: Management and Administration, Business and Marketing, Information and Communications Technology.

In order to add value to the education of our students, we develop different projects in which IES Clara del Rey prints its philosophy. Currently we work in Erasmus+, ClaraEmprende and ClaraSkills. Erasmus+ gives a chance to the students to work in other European countries while learning professional competencies and immersing themselves into a different culture.

ClaraEmprende promotes the initiative of students to create their own business ideas as a way for them to achieve their professional future. ClaraSkills promotes friendly competitive games among students and teachers. ClaraSostenible transmits the centre´ green philosophy and ClaraInnova organises seminars based on technological trends. We want to provide DIGIT project with our academic professional experience.

The BS GAV (Vocational School for Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Transport), are avocational school for various commercial professions in the Dual System in Bremen. Eight different apprenticeship professions can be learned at our school.

We train our students to become businesswomen and businessmen in wholesale, foreign trade, forwarding and shipping, tourism, office and marketing. Another educational course is that of drivers in the driving mode. In this project, we as a school can identify the digital skills that our students already have, develop them further with the help of the material developed, and thus lay the foundation for an integrative digital transformation.

Raymond Naves high school counts 2100 students. It offers general and professional training (management, marketing, business, banking, digital services to organizations) including 3 post-baccalaureate trainings. There is also an art and a sports program.
We have acquired the Erasmus label and its charter 8 years ago. Our school is fully concerned with issues of digital services and innovations, which will be at the heart of its future campus.

Our DIGITeam is made up of economics, management and languages teachers, including François Lorans, project quality coordinator, Rémi Morel, Dissemination Communication coordinator and Hélène Floret, project management coordinator.

F6S is a leading global founder and startup network that helps public sector entities around the world to promote, communicate and disseminate technical and research projects. F6S stands for F-ounder-S. Our mission is to help founders and startups grow to solve the world's pressing social, economic, environmental, sustainability and innovation problems. In addition to F6S' work with governmental entities, we also work with corporates, investors, research institutions, programs, universities and others in the global startup ecosystem. F6S tools deliver company growth through grants, partnerships, funding, investment, pilot contracts, partnerships, jobs & talent recruitment and company services.

The Spanish Representative Platform for People with Physical Disabilities is a national, state-approved non-profit organization that runs programmes and promotes initiatives on behalf of people with severe physical disabilities it represents. PREDIF/IMPULSA IGUALDAD actively works on the promotion of the autonomy of the PWD developing activities, initiatives, programmes for the Personal Assistance that enables people with disabilities to be able to decide and actively participate in the society.

Also, one of the general objectives of PREDIF/IMPULSA IGUALDAD is to promote the empowerment and social inclusion of people with disabilities, by promoting training courses that enhance this. In this sense, the company has online accessible training platforms to allow PWD to participate in training, improving their personal and professional lives.

The role of PREDIF/IMPULSA IGUALDAD in DIGIT project's is to provide SMEs and VET Providers with relevant skills, knowledge, competences and tools to drive an inclusive digital transformation of the internationalization process and ensure the digital accessibility and an inclusive digital transformation to leave no one behind.

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