DIGIT Interviews: Organisation of events: what is the future?

We continue our interview series. This time we enter the topic of Organisation of events: what is the future?

Sandra Grano de Oro Tuñón is a business professional specialized in project management and communication. Skilled in impact assessment, user-centric approaches, and creative design.

She sat down with DIGTI and talked about the future of events. Take a look.

1. What are some key considerations when planning the logistics and the teams for a physical event?

I have worked as creative planner for Auditoire agency. We had to think on every step of the guest flow to create a memorable experience. The most commons were: Concept, Arrival, Mingle, Main (WOW) activity, closing.

  • Concept: what is your theme? Everything should be related to it for the attendees to feel immerse and aware on what you want to communicate and the purpose of this event: Communication creativities, decoration, discussions…
  • Arrival: the entrance must be easy to see, always some banner/decoration helps. An area to drop the coat and grab your name card. Always a small gift is well received. Is better to not give anything if is going to be thrown away (some plastic useless thing). However, the best-received gifts: small aluminium water 500 ml bottle that can be put inside a purse, recyclable paper notebook.
  • Mingle: A space for people to network with food and drinks. It must be cosy, with plants, natural light, good air… Extra points: immersive decoration and some gimmick (not too expensive but smart) activity, exercise… It gives the people something to talk about, breaks the ice, entertains, and again immerse the attendees on the theme of your event – It must be related to the concept.
  • Main activity: Is it a conference? Is it a reveal? … Whatever it is, it must have a moment that WOWs the people and they will talk about it later (Internet and Pinterest are good for ideas, but it depends on the theme of your event, on what you want to achieve, the attendees…can be a performance, can be a cool unveiling, a special guest, cool countdown of the conference keynote, creative catwalk… always visuals and music help to enhance whatever you decide) I can help with this once I know more about your event.
  • Closing: Make the attendees feel part of it, not drag it too long because everyone is looking forward to leave, reveal your next one or a sneak peek of something that will come as next steps so they will be following your SM and web to know more.

2. What are the essential technical requirements for hosting a successful online event?

Good camera quality and positioning, good internet connection, recording the event, good sound

3. How can event organizers create engaging and interactive experiences for participants in online events?

  • Polls where online and offline people can vote and show the results at the end.
  • An area next to the speaker TV where online and offline people can read comments and questions while watching the speaker (Kind of a live streaming on Instagram)
  • The possibility to like a question or comment so the ones that have more likes it can be read at the end of the event for the speaker to answer.
  • Possibility of doing matching between online – offline people: Contacting the person who did the comment or question and the possibility to ask for 1-1 meeting through the platform.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under project number 2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000034657